Single software license shared 774,651 times

A single license for Avast security software has been used by 774,651 people after it went viral on a file-sharing site, according to the company. Avast is working with the pirates instead of disabling the software trying to get convert over to their paid service. I like this idea better then going after the thieving pirates like most companies do. Working with them is definitely better then going head on with pirates because you will never stop the pirates.

Read more about what Avast did to track the licenses and what they are doing about it here:

A single license for Avast security software has been used by 774,651 people after it went viral on a file-sharing site, according to the company. Avast is working with the pirates instead of disabling the software trying to get convert over to their paid service. I like this idea better then going after the thieving pirates like most companies do. Working with them is definitely better then going head on with pirates because you will never stop the pirates.

Read more about what Avast did to track the licenses and what they are doing about it here:

A single license for Avast security software has been used by 774,651 people after it went viral on a file-sharing site, according to the company. Avast is working with the pirates instead of disabling the software trying to get convert over to their paid service. I like this idea better then going after the thieving pirates like most companies do. Working with them is definitely better then going head on with pirates because you will never stop the pirates.

Read more about what Avast did to track the licenses and what they are doing about it here: